Nagoya University

Division of Biological Science, Graduate School of Science Japanese Power to overcome environment ALCA
Group of Plant Physiology



Toshinori Kinoshita

Toshinori Kinoshita

TEL&FAX +81-52-789-4778

(please replace * with @)

Office: room #334, Science E building


1987-1991 B.Sci., Kyushu University
1991-1993 M.Sci., Kyushu University (Prof. Mitsuo Nishimura)
1993-1994 D.Sci., Kyushu University (Prof. Mitsuo Nishimura)
1997 Ph.D., Kyushu University

Professional experience

1993-1994 JSPS Research Fellow (DC1)
1994-1999 Research Associate, Kyushu University (Prof. Ken-ichiro Shimazaki)
1999-2007 Assistant Professor, Kyushu University (Prof. Ken-ichiro Shimazaki)
2003-2004 Visiting Scientist (Salk Institute, Prof. Joanne Chory)
2005-2009 PRESTO Researcher, Japan Science and Technology Agency
2007-2010 Associate Professor, Nagoya University
2010-present Professor, Nagoya University


Highly Cited Researcher 2024 (2024)

6th The Photobiology Association of Japan Award (2024)

Highly Cited Researcher 2023 (2023)

The Botanical Society of Japan, Journal of Plant Research, Best Paper Award (2015)

Minister Award for Distinguished Young Scientists (2007)

The Japan Society of Plant Physiology Award for Young Scientist (2003)

Inoue Foundation Award for Young Scientist (1998)