- 気孔開口に必須の細胞膜プロトンポンプの新規活性調節機構の解明 ~赤色光と青色光の効果を繋ぐ新たなリン酸化部位の発見~
Hayashi Y, Fukatsu K, Takahashi K, Kinoshita SN, Kato K, Sakakibara T, Kuwata K, *Kinoshita T. (2024) Phosphorylation of plasma membrane H+-ATPase Thr881 participates in light-induced stomatal opening.
Nature Communications 15:1194. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-45248-5
- 植物の気孔開口を抑え、しおれを防ぐ天然物を新たに発見! ~正体は辛味成分、分子改造で幅広い用途へ~
Aihara Y, Maeda B, Goto K, Takahashi K, Toh S, Ye W, Toda Y, Uchida M, Asai E, Sato A, Itami K, *Murakami K, *Kinoshita T (2023) Identification and improvement of isothiocyanate-based inhibitors on stomatal opening to act as drought tolerance-conferring agrochemicals.
Nature Communications, 14: 2665. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-38102-7
- 植物の葉で光合成による炭素と窒素のバランスを保つ仕組みを解明! ~「架け橋」は細胞膜プロトンポンプ~
Kinoshita S, Suzuki T, Kiba T, Sakakibara H, *Kinoshita T (2023) Photosynthetic-product-dependent activation of plasma membrane H+-ATPase and nitrate uptake in Arabidopsis leaves.
Plant Cell Physiol. 64, 191-203. https://doi.org/10.1093/pcp/pcac157
- 植物の気孔がCO2に応じて閉じる新たな仕組みを発見 ~ 作物のCO2吸収の効率化へ向けて ~
*Ando E, Kollist H, Fukatsu K, *Kinoshita T, Terashima I (2022) Elevated CO2 induces rapid dephosphorylation of plasma membrane H+-ATPase in guard cells.
New Phytologist 236: 2061–2074. doi: 10.1111/nph.18472
- 植物が細胞内にマグネシウムを貯蔵するしくみ解明 ~植物の新しいマグネシウム輸送体を発見〜
*Inoue S, Hayashi M, HuangS, Yokosho K, Gotoh E, Ikematsu S, Okumura M, Suzuki T, Kamura K, *Kinoshita T, *Ma JF (2022) A tonoplast-localized magnesium transporter is crucial for stomatal opening in Arabidopsis under high Mg2+ conditions.
New Phytologist 236:864-877 https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.18410
- 植物の二酸化炭素センサーを世界で初めて同定 ~植物の水利用効率や大気CO2の吸収を増進する技術開発に期待~
Yohei Takahashi, Krystal C. Bosmans, Po-Kai Hsu, Karnelia Paul, Christian Seitz, Chung-Yueh Yeh, Yuh-Shuh Wang, Dmitry Yarmolinsky, Maija Sierla, Triin Vahisalu, J. Andrew McCammon, Jaakko Kangasjarvi, Li Zhang, Hannes Kollist, Thien Trac and Julian I. Schroeder (2022) Stomatal CO2/bicarbonate Sensor Consists of Two Interacting Protein Kinases, Raf-like HT1 and non-kinase-activity requiring MPK12/MPK4.
Science Advances Vol 8, Issue 49 DOI:10.1126/sciadv.abq6161

- イネの収量を増加させる画期的な技術開発に成功 ~食糧増産と二酸化炭素や肥料の削減に期待~
Zhang M, Wang Y, Chen X, Xu F, Ding M, Ye W, Kawai Y, Toda Y, Hayashi Y, Suzuki T, Zeng H, Xiao L, Xiao X, Xu J, Guo S, Yan F, Shen Q, Xu G, *Kinoshita T, *Zhu Y (2021) Plasma membrane H+-ATPase overexpression increases rice yield via simultaneous enhancement of nutrient uptake and photosynthesis.
Nature Communications 12, 735. doi:10.1038/s41467-021-20964-4
- 植物は自分のおかれた環境を細胞レベルで記憶する 〜植物細胞における記憶の仕組みの解明に道筋〜
Aoki S, Toh S, Nakamichi N, Hayashi Y, Wang Y, Suzuki T, Tsuji H, Kinoshita T. (2019) Regulation of stomatal opening and histone modification by photoperiod in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Scientific Reports 9, 10054. doi:10.1038/s41598-019-46440-0
- 気孔開口を抑制する新しい化合物を発見 〜植物のしおれを抑える新たな技術開発に期待〜
Toh S, Inoue S, Toda Y, Yuki T, Suzuki K, Hamamoto S, Fukatsu K, Aoki S, Uchida M, Asai E, Uozumi N, Sato A, Kinoshita T. (2018) Identification and characterization of compounds that affect stomatal movements.
Plant & Cell Physiology 59, 1568-1580. doi:10.1093/pcp/pcy061
- 気孔開口の鍵因子を発見 〜農作物の乾燥耐性や成長を制御する新たな技術開発に期待〜
Hayashi M, Inoue S, Ueno Y, Kinoshita T. (2017) A Raf-like protein kinase BHP mediates blue light-dependent stomatal opening.
Scientific Reports 7, 45586. doi:10.1038/srep45586
- 気孔の開口を大きくして、植物の生産量の増加に成功
Wang Y, Noguchi K, Ono N, Inoue S, Terashima I, Kinoshita T (2014) Overexpression of plasma membrane H+-ATPase in guard cells promotes light-induced stomatal opening and enhances plant growth.
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